• bold
  • private
  • anonymous
  • social
  • safe
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"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person,
Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth."

- Oscar Wilde

The Story

In a growing social media world, where success is measured based on the number of likes and followers, it is hard to expect and receive honest feedback or opinions. Not everyone has the luxury of friends or colleagues who give truthful opinions. But when given a chance of anonymity, things change.

This opportunity of anonymity can find its uses everywhere - schools, institutions, workplaces, family circles, social circles, political groups, arts and entertainment and more. Everywhere, there are people who are afraid to open up, afraid of being judged or trolled, afraid of not being heard. This is a platform that can change all that.

BLUNT is also a private social media app, which means the user’s profile and posts are not open to the public, thereby diminishing the “likes/followers” culture of social media.



Circles is a private group wherein you organise your friends on BLUNT. Using a Circle, you can post an update for specific people, like your co-workers, family, travel buddies or friends who play a sport together (example: Golf, Family, Tech Team). The people in the circle with whom you've shared the post, will be able to comment on it anonymously. You have an option to request them to reveal their identity, which they can accept or reject. You can add or remove friends from these Circles at any time.

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Squares is a user moderated forum to discuss politics, social issues, mental health, trends, businesses, sport clubs, movies and other entertainment. It provides a space for a larger group of people to voice out their opinions anonymously.


In BLUNT you can have one-on-one anonymous conversations with people who follow you.
This feature gives you a chance to express things that go unexpressed usually while talking in person.

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Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth.


In an increasingly ‘likes’ and ‘followers’ obsessed world, BLUNT is a breath of fresh air. It is here to address the catastrophe of superficiality. There are no 'like' or 'follow' features here. The most important aspect of BLUNT is the non-judgmental space it provides for people to speak their truth without the fear of being attacked or trolled. When the concept catches on, it will find its application in multiple spheres. It will be a space to discuss sensitive subjects that otherwise go unspoken. It will be a platform to bring change.

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Use Cases

Project leaders can use it to get feedback from their respective teams. Strategies, opinions and ideas for improvement in the systems and processes can be shared by employees without holding back. Healthy discussions on corporate policies and changes can be done.
Players can freely express their opinions and ideas on game strategies which they might not do otherwise out of fear or respect. Players can use it to express the issues they face both personally and professionally.
People Management
HR Managers can use it to ask about employee wellness and receive feedback on employee welfare activities being done in the organisation. Sexual harassment, gender bias, racism, ageism, favouritism, or any other form of discrimination in the workplace can be expressed fearlessly. Employees can express their needs and grievances.
Mental Health & Safety
People going through mental health issues can talk about their issues in groups formed by doctors or mental health experts or support groups. Survivors of rape, abuse and domestic violence can seek legal, medical and mental health advice from related groups without feeling the pressure to identify themselves.
Corporate companies can receive genuine feedback for their new products or services. Hotels, restaurants, retail outlets and all other businesses can get honest reviews that will not only help the respective businesses but also other people looking at availing their services. Artists and content creators can receive genuine feedback for their work.
Institutions such as schools, colleges, hospitals etc can use this platform to have open conversations with their stakeholders. Parents can express their opinions on school practices. Students can report bullying and harassment they face from other students or teachers. Students can report partiality, complacency and inappropriate behaviors of teachers. Patients can leave genuine feedback on hospital practices/malpractices. Staff can register their complaints against the management.
Free Speech
Users can employ their freedom of expression without any fear on political or religious forums. Fans and others can express their opinions or feedback on the fan pages of celebrities.
& many more...

BLUNT is an anonymous private social media application. Users can post a text, photo, video, audio or poll on their profile. The users can choose all their followers or specific people from their follower list to share their content with, each time they share.